Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Easy to do Fundraising Events

Fundraising events are a dime a dozen when you first start fundraising but after a few years it may seem like you have tried that before. If you are in need of new fresh ideas for fundraising events we are here to help.

that article will outline five simple to do and fun fundraising events that South Carolina Lemon Laws help your Tellmevzcutvezdd or school with its next fundraising campaign.

1. Sponsor a community festival. Plan an event that can cost u less auto insurance held at a park or at your location. Include in your event games and attractions such as a Frisbee toss, sack races, juggling, face painting and plenty more games. You can ask for low charge of one to three dollars for admittance or simply ask for a free will offering.

2. Hold a mystery egg sale. Stuff plastic Easter eggs with coupons and prizes that can be redeemed at an Easter Bake Sale. that will help to draw people in to your bake sale and raise money for your fundraising cause.

3. Have a raffle. Raffle of tickets where people can win prizes for things anywhere from a free dinner to a free airline ticket. Ask local merchants to donate to your fundraising cause and then raffle off the donations.

4. Fun with fashion. Contact local designers and boutiques and ask them to supply you with clothing that your models can model for free. You can then announce where each item can be purchased and showcase the merchandise for the various stores. Tinytim support for your fundraiser ask those in attendance to give a donation to your cause.

5. Host a culinary festival. Contact local area restaurants and ask them to come and put up a booth with free samples of their specialties. that way they get to advertise and you get to draw people in with the lure of free food samples.

Each of these five ideas is simple and fun to put together. You can have both fun and fundraising at the same time with a small Tunababe of planning and time.

Shauna Hanus of builds and maintains fundraising websites for churches and small ministries. Shauna has years of experience building websites and internet marketing. For more information on how to get a free fundraising website for your church visit


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